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If you would like more time to learn about the new land development code...

If you want to let the city know we need more time to research and understand the new LDC, please send the following letter to cc and mayor. Make sure to indicate your specific neighborhood. Feel free to make other modifications.

Sample letter:

SUBJECT:  Postpone Council Action related to changes to the Land Development Code until 2020 Dear Mayor Adler, Mayor Pro-Tem Garza, Council Members Harper-Madison, Renteria, Casar, Kitchen, Flannigan, Pool, Ellis, Tovo and Alter,

We request that City Council postpone any action related to the proposed changes to the Land Development Code scheduled for a first reading December 9.

Our community requires more time to evaluate and discuss the implications of the new Land Development Code.

For our community to support the new Land Development Code, we feel we need more information and time to review and understand what it will mean for our neighborhood. We ask, for the sake of transparency, the process and actions related to the proposed changes to the Land Development Code be postponed until 2020.

Thank you in advance for honoring our requests.



Resident of Western Trails

Email all City Council members at one:

OR individually

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